Dr. Kizomba Blog

Day 72 | Gangsta Physique Day 9

Yes, Mi Gente. Installed at home with some carbs on my bowl, played a little bit of GTA. The funny thing is: I was ready to kill some people, but then I heard a kid’s voice say “don’t kill me, don’t kill me, I don’t have any weapons.” I was like, am I really playing […]

Day 72 | Boston: 4 days to go

Good morning Mi Gente. I know it’s past afternoon but your doctor had to wake up today earlier to deal with the government. Oh well. Let me tell you how that go. Taxes taxes taxes. Aka stealing stealing stealing. So you telling me that the money is going to the teachers, the hospitals, the roads, […]

Day 71 | Boston: 5 days to go

Good afternoon Mi Gente! You guys already know that yesterday I wasn’t very talkative right here on the internet. Don’t blame me, blame it on the movie theatres. Because myself and Mango went ahead to check out the Avengers movie and let me tell you. Boy, I got upset. I got a little upset about […]

Day 69 | Gangsta Physique Day 8

The guns are reloaded. The arms are on fire. You don’t wanna get in the chokehold position because the tennis ball will stop your adam’s apple from breathing. You already know the most important muscle on the guns is the tricep. That one is already uploading. Feels good. Feels like this is gonna improve my […]

Day 69 | Boston: 7 days to go

Good afternoon Mi Gente. It’s already noon ⏰. Today is Friday, Mi Gente. I know everybody happy because today is the last day of work, so I am happy for you too, even though I don’t work normal hours. I am happy because you happy. Let’s put it like that. I woke up with a […]

Day 69 | Baila Con Gusto Recap

I know it’s late but I gotta get this post off my chest because otherwise I can’t sleep. Today’s Baila Con Gusto class was amazing. Kudos to the students who are trying their hardest to dance kizomba or understand what kizomba even is. Kudos to my students to now know what they wanna do in […]

Day 68 | Metro Blogging

Just finished my hair by Baby, got a Moroccan lady as an Uber driver to drive me back home. Then I decided to take the metro to the barber shop, so that I can see and interact with my eyes, just look at motherfuckers and have something to write. It came to my notice that […]

Day 68 | Baila Con Gusto

Oh my god. Semba classes on Tuesday, off the chain. The students are getting better. Kitaba social last night, off the chain. 4 students won Gindungo 4 passes! I told you to get the passes, but you didn’t listen to me. Now people is getting their passes on deck. I honestly thought that I was […]

Day 67 | Gangsta Physique Day 7

Yesterday, because I went to run, I didn’t workout the way I wanted to do it today, because my legs were already hurting, I didn’t have to do a lot. I’m gonna keep it like that, so I’m gonna try do my live video, very happy to forget the pain. Since tonight we have Kitaba […]

Day 67 | Baila Con Gusto: 1 day to go

Good morning, Mi Gente. What an amazing birthday weekend. What an amazing day. I don’t believe that the weather is the way it is these days, but hey, I have my heater on just in case. Yesterday, Montreal was a little hot, but going through the evening wasn’t as hot as it was during the […]

Day 65 | Baila Con Gusto: 3 days to go

#soberdays | #day65 | #BailaConGusto3daystogo Good day Mi Gente! Fell asleep in Mexico, woke up in Montreal. It’s your boy Dr. Kizomba, unapologetic motherfucker, back on track. It is Monday. It is day 65 of soberness, alcohol and smokes free. Survived the tequila sun temptation and Mexican and Cuban cigars. To be specific, Cohibas by […]

Day 63 | Mexico: Day 3

Good morning, mi Gente, afternoon by now. Yesterday’s workshops were off the chain. Mexico is off the chain. Today we have one more workshop, kuduro. I didn’t want to eat breakfast because I wanna kill these people right now, one more last time. Today we are gonna do 2 shows back to back. One with […]