Dr. Kizomba Blog

How To Get Your “Kizomba Instructor” Diploma | The Dr. Kizomba Show

You already know what today is!!! It’s the Dr.Kizomba Show!!! We’ll be giving away passes and crazy discounts so make sure to tune in at 3pm!!! Dr. Kizomba Manuel Dos Santos III (Dr Kizomba III) #DrKizombaShow The Detroit Latín Dance Festival 2018 #DLDF2018

Kitaba Social | Bye Montreal | North Carolina

Sup Gang Gang it’s your traveling blogger Dr. Kizomba aka the unapologetic mofo. Before I even start talking about anything let me tell you about Kitaba last night! Ohh Lord, the ladies where hiding, too much dancing, the guys applying fire technique mixed with smoothness, a harmonic dance floor,smiling genuinely ufff. I can keep going […]

Can Kizombeiros & Flamingos be sharing the same room? I mean music wise! Dr. Kizomba Show

Today’s music: Matias Damasio – Juro Por Tudo Streamed live from Espaces Des Arts studios in Montreal

Live Kizomba Class With Dr. Kizomba | Episode 37

Today’s music: Matias Damasio – Juro Por Tudo Streamed live from Espaces Des Arts studios in Montreal

Part 1 – Can Kizombeiros & Flamingos be sharing the same room? I mean music wise! Dr. Kizomba Show

Today’s music: IMpactus 4 | Yola Araujo + Family – Magui Streamed live from Espaces Des Arts studios in Montreal