Dr. Kizomba Blog

Waking up in Detroit | Facebook killa

Good day good day good day. Listen my people from Instagram, don’t even worry about it, what happened on Facebook because y’all niggas safe. I don’t have to delete or block anyone right here… well, just don’t say the wrong shit. But for Facebook? Hahahahha, yesterday was your judgement day. I went petty on these […]

Lately | Feelings | Life | Love

Lately have been interested in crazy  shit, please don’t ask me why I’ll have to kill you if I told you. I guess I have to since I got back on my writing. I used to care so much about others even motherfuckers that show me no love. But lately I just became an inch […]

ADC | Goodbye LA | Yolo

I dunno how to start but I believe that my body is on 35%. I have a nice song that I picked up a line: I drink till I drank I smoke till I’m high A castle on the hill Wake up in the sky You can’t tell me I ain’t fly You can’t tell […]