Tuesday Love | Kitaba Social | What I’ve Been Thinking About

Good evening ladies and gentleman. You already know it’s your unapologetic motherfucker aka Dr. Kizomba.

Today is Tuesday, right? Ok, I’m right here in Montreal, chilling like a villain, working on one of the important things which is Kitaba social in Montreal. Very pleased with the work of my team and the DJs of making sure that this flame keeps on going. Very happy and pleased with my students and attendees to the kitaba social by having one thing in common: dancing and asking people to dance and not being shy in keeping the dance floor rolling and the ladies feet hurting. That’s what’s up man. So tomorrow night Mi Gente, another Kitaba, another free class with Dr. Kizomba, and you already know Mango Flavie and the rest of the gang gang are gonna be there. And that’s that!

What’s on my mind? What’s on my mind is simply a lot of bullshit that I wanted to tell you about it, but you know what? I want to leave for the Dr. Kizomba show, but I can give you a little hint. Yo! The demographics of the Kizomba events and festivals or so called congresses is kinda fucked up. Because what I’ve noticed is that the last year’s events have more attendees than this year’s events, because of the number of new events that pop up out of the blue. Well well well well. We have a serious dilemma going on. Because the so called community cannot afford to pay for events and planes and hotels 4 times a month. That is one of the reasons that people now don’t know and having mixed feelings of going to different events because they don’t know what events are the real events where you can go and have fun and come back and enjoy or what events are boring like a wake after somebody died. You know when someone die and everybody is mourning this motherfucker? Yeah, some of these events look like that! You walk into the room and niggas are looking like that, like some kind of sadness shit, I don’t know. I’m like niggas, we are here to party! Why y’all acting like that? Shouldn’t we be dancing and shit? And why are the guys on the wall, instead of asking the girls to dance? That’s some bullshit. Let’s just leave it like that.

Anyhow, thank god we have Kitaba tomorrow.

#tuesdaylove | #kitabasocial | #whativebeenthinkingabout
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