Trinidad | Day 1 | Fuckery

Here I am minding my business on a crowded plane, on my way to Trinidad. I noticed that there where two hot flight attendants working on the first class, me and my noisy ass just started to look how they operate. Well well well pilots are just gangster, at least the ones I saw…

๐Ÿ˜‚ The fuckery continues: after 4 hours on the flight one of the pilot came out (am not even gonna say the flight to donโ€™t get him in trouble) he was flirting with them and smoothly the unexpected move arrived the other pilot came out to use the toilet, thatโ€™s when I noticed that the plane was in autopilot. Dude when back in the control room one of the flight attenders follow him inside the control room ?!? Stayed there for more than 10 minutes, while the other pilot was chatting with the Fโ€™A left on the first class …

๐Ÿ˜ฒ Moral of the situation | dear pilot you mean that you took the time to bust a nut while you where flying a plane ?!? Listen nigga you guys usually go to the same hotel right? Do your job there, no?? My life and the other passengers are not to play cause we got shit to do and more … Lawd Have Mercy …. @ George Bush Intercontinental Airport

#trip #trinidad #fuckery

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