Green Book | Plane | Movie

OMG Ali Mahershala. Dude, you just became my Black inspiration and dopest actor. Everything about your swag it reminds me of my dad. You just became my idol. Oscar well deserved Mr Mahershala, Oscar well deserved. Viggo Mortensen, ufff no one can play the Italian Vilano better than you. Believe that every time you came […]

Harmonious Dancefloor

It’s little bit after 5 in the hour of 6 pm, your boy Dr. Kizomba is about to hit the semba class from 6:30pm until 9:30 to make sure that the students get their semba weekly fix so that they can shine at the Kitaba social. 👊👌 I’ve been teaching a lot lately and seeing […]

Holiday Happiness

Good morning. For my people that don’t celebrate Christmas, I respect that. You not working and you don’t even know why 😂. Happy Holidays from Dr. Kizomba and the Kizomba Canada family. Facebook is on fire. I mean, on fire! 🔥🔥That last post, tho. Listen, listen Mi Gente. To be honest, turning a blind eye […]

Home Sweet Home | Kitaba | Gindungo

Greetings my fellow readers! It’s your boy aka unapologetic motherfucker aka Dr Kizomba, giving you a rumour report from the crib. As you know, today we are officially 13 full days away from the Gindungo festival, 3 parties back to back with a surprise after party on Saturday till 6oclock in the morning. So excited […]

Home Sweet Home | Montreal | Bye Toronto

This past weekend was another surreal moment Dr Kizomba + Gang Gang Kizomba Canada performed, social danced, workshops and many more activities with the team and family. Yes Dj NS and His Lady Gang were very nice to us, thanks for the AirBNB much appreciated. Accommodating 13 moffos is not something easy but you definitely […]

India | Bye-bye | Sad Face

Currently landing in UK then getting ready for my Montreal flight straight to Kitaba Social, missing my Gang Gang. You won’t believe that we danced until the last second in Delhi. The crew just came to Navi’s house and we made the last social on Tuesday night. It was painful to say goodbye to people […]

Karma Chameleon

Good Wednesday Mi Gente, you already know what we gonna do today. Today you can come and meet your boy Dr. Kizomba with a regular free kizomba class at 8:30, that’s where you come see me if you wanna come see me for free.If you’re not in my city, its ok we got you, just […]

Kitaba Saturday

Good Sunday Mi Gente! I know a lot people is already thinking about what they gonna do on Monday but stay calm you still have a few hours. ⏰ Let’s talk about sex, baby Let’s talk about you and me Let’s talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be Let’s […]

Kitaba Was Lit | #stuckinlisbon Flashbacks

Good day Mi Gente, your boy just woke up, Kitaba last night was too good. It’s your boy Dr. Kizomba unapologetic motherfucker. You already know the drill, we don’t have to tell you more. Yesterday was a very grey day because yesterday was grey. When I left my crib, it looked like a sweater day. […]

Live Videos On Point

Good morning Mi Gente. At this time its mid-afternoon. Thank you so much my people for coming yesterday to Kitaba and making this dance floor flow like a roller-coaster. Your boy Dr Kizomba has some important news for you. You already know about the night of Feb 9th  and the workshop in Lisbon. But that’s […]

Mi Gente the Blog is Back!

Wepa Wepa Mi Gente, You already know it’s your boy Dr. Kizomba. I hope that if you’re a beginner you got to the intermediate; if you’re an intermediate, you got to the advanced and if you’re advanced, you got to the 100 moves. Website information: We are making updates to the website and just recently, […]