Day 38 | Wisdom

Mi gente! When life gives you lemons, you make tequila. I taught my first class last week. I ate an octopus. I partied on a boat. I got drunk on a train drinking 1€ beers with a stranger, he was cool. Life since Friday: Slept in Algarve | Woke up in Porto | Chilling in […]

Day 39 | Baltimore: 1 day to go

Good morning Mi Gente, Good afternoon. Good morning again, because its noon.⏰ I will start with my quote of the day “A person who feels appreciated will always do more than is expected”. On that note, Facebook is motherfucking going crazy, man! In a good motherfucking way. All I see is Gindungo Gindungo Gindungo Gindungo […]

Day 39 | Some Quick Updates

Yesterday I went to Baila Con Gusto. An amazing night, as always 🎉. Gotta give it up to Dominique, JP and Montuno for keeping it up. To work, to own a studio, and still have one of the hottest nights in the city, week after week, year after year – for that I salute you.👊👍 […]

Day 40 | Drambuie

#OoopsHeDidItAgain 😂 Another amazing night, Mi Gente. Celebrated my Polish boy Pavo’s bday. Then I danced all night at Mwangole, saw my friends from the USA and Portugal. Stopped dancing when the lights came on, after the sun rise at 6am, and the club kicked us out. Woke up a little dizzy, must be the […]

Day 40 | Go With The Flow

Yesterday was nice, spent some time with my skateboard, went to my skate park, didn’t see the time pass. When I stopped to look around, it was already dark. It’s a cool experience hanging out with people you don’t know, smoking, kicking, pushing coasting. Went home was a little bored, didn’t wanna work on no […]

Day 41 | Baltimore: Day 1, Part 2

Feeling a little tired after the kuduro class, I didn’t know how I was gonna feel doing kuduro more than 4 times a week. It was a great reception. And the people were amazing. I went to a Dominican barbershop to get my line up. But they took a bit too long, and my Uber […]

Day 41 | Feeling Saintly

Woke up today feeling confused. McNuggets, rum and coke beside my bed, Netflix still playing. Trying to put the puzzle together to figure out what the heck I did yesterday. Oh shit I remember, guess what? I was supposed to go out. Female friend gave me a phone call, asking what I was doing. I’m […]

Day 41 | Teaching in Lisbon

#AlwaysStartFromTheBottom ⬆️ Yesterday was Class #2 of your doctor’s 4 week kizomba session at the View Rooftop. Mi gente, class was… a #revelation. The students learned there is a count in kizomba! Yes! They didn’t know. 😳They understood that to dance kizomba for real, they must LISTEN for the count in the music, and respect […]

Day 43 | Baltimore: Day 3, Part 2

Good day Mi Gente. Just finished my last workshop at the Kizomba-Salsa-Bachata Congress in Baltimore. Epic! A bit tired, but to be expected. It’s a great event and being with amazing people that actually want to learn kizomba makes me feel happy. Happy Easter to everyone. And for the folks that were there encouraging me, […]

Day 43 | The Art of Social Dancing

My kuduro gang yesterday did good, Mi Gente! They kept up with the choreo and I made them sweat . Mi Gente, if you don’t sweat when dancing kuduro, then you might be dancing, but you are 💯 not dancing kuduro. My students are starting to feel the music, it shows. 🎶They are learning that […]

Day 43 | Two Parties, One Night

Mi Gente! What’s good? Your doctor is giving another workshop tonight, followed by a party. 👉 #TheNewFaceOfLisbon 😎 Did you see my #day42 live video? Yesterday was good. Two parties, one at the View Rooftop where your boy is giving his 4-week session and one at Barrio Latino. You already know, your doctor stopped […]

Day 45 | C4 Pedro Agrees

Mi Gente, did you see the video? For the first time Flavie did a kuduro performance by herself at the Columbus Salsa Convention. That girl. Taking on all the responsibility for Manuel & Flavie on her shoulders. She killed it! 👊 No big deal, but yesterday the King 👑C4Pedro shared our Top 10 #kizomba songs […]