Day 23 | Dr. K MVP

Michael Jordan | LeBron James |Dr Kizomba | #day23 | But do they have your doctor’s mad hustling skills? After resting on the beach yesterday and drinking a little lot of sangria, your boy chilled at home. Started off today with milk in my cereal – calcium for my dancing bones, vitamins and shit. Gotta […]

Day 24 | Business As Usual

Wassup Mi Gente! Yesterday’s parties were off the chain! Yoooo. The River Bank Black&White party. Incredible. 🔥 Current situation: relaxing at the crib, watching Toca hit 30 on the channel Trace. King Ckwa is at #2 with Spetxa One. #1 is Neyma. She’s good, but my boy C4 Pedro won’t be #2 for long, mi […]

Day 24 | Gindungo: 11 to go

Good day, good day Mi Gente! Fuck man, I had a crazy dream last night. But first, today is sober day 24, alcohol free, carrot juice boy, still on the grizzle for all my nizzles representing that soberness. The dream was dope, because my dream was a mix between my iWatch and the movie Blade […]

Day 25 | TO, We’re Coming

Mi Gente! The doctor is back at it! Your boy and the Kizomba Canada squad are off to TO for the 3rd edition of the AngoFest street festival. We are gonna teach. We are gonna perform. We are gonna dance. We are gonna party hard. 🎉😎🎉 And after turning it up in the Six, Sunday […]

Day 26 | Gindungo: 9 to go

Allo Mi Gente, good morning, I know it’s not really good morning, but I feel asleep in Montreal, but I woke up in New York, New York, bitcheeeeeeeeeeeeeees. It is the officially first day out of Canada, and let me tell you, my DM blowing! I feel like I came out of jail. And everybody […]

Day 27 | Bring Back Dr. K

Wepa wepa! Last night was off the chain. Did another photo session with the one and only @Ludmilatolentinophotography and got to know Lisbon a bit more #thinkyouknowhadnoidea about this amazing and historical city . Paperwork: application submitted! Looks like your boy like they say in Brasil #eusouocara is going to be back in a month. […]

Day 28 | Modest Like Mayweather

Mi Gente, did you watch the fight? Damn. There were 2 people in that ring, but only one of them was a boxer. I am a McGregor fan, but Mayweather demolished him. It was like watching a tiger play with a kitten. You can’t fake greatness. Watching Mayweather is watching the results of thousands of […]

Day 31 | In Shape, Almost

Mi Gente, I’ll admit. Life was good when #stuckinlisbon. So good that your boy came back to Canada weighing a LITTLE bit over 200lbs #detailsarenotimportant. All those giant chubby shrimp 🍤 in your boy’s belly. Well, I woke up today, and got on the scale and I am 194.8lbs #detailsareveryimportant. Boom! 💣No other exercise being […]

Day 35 | Gindungo: Day 2

Good morning, but I am really talking about afternoon as we speak. Another day of Gindungo, actually the official 2nd day. Yesterday’s party was off the chain. Oh my fucking god. The house went down. I am not really talking about the house going down, but the party was flawless. The atmosphere, 1000. The vibes, […]

Day 36 | Gindungo: Day 3

Good morning, Mi Gente, I dunno what to say. But what a great awesome titanic gigantic event Mi Gente. Saturday night! Like I told you! It was gonna be an atomic explosion. Literally I don’t know the exact count but for real for real, we had over 400 people in the building. Congratulations to Gindungo […]

Day 36 | Sembarific

Whappening Mi Gente? I’m going to Biggz Barber right now, feeling really good, gonna look even better after my bro is finished with my face 👹. My nose still hurts from my nose piercing on Saturday, but not as much. Crazy kind of pain, it goes straight from my nose to my eye. But it […]

Day 37 | Gindungo Recovery

Good morning Mi Gente, it’s noon. Yes, now I can acknowledge that I am tired, but I am not that tired. Ok, I lied, I am tired, but I am happy tired. Gindungo 3. I told you it was gonna be an atomic explosion. Wooooow. What a night last night! When people thought that we […]