Musical Rollercoaster

Good Morning Mi Gente, how you doing? I’m still in bed, I’ve got a little story to tell you that happened to me this morning. There’s this cute couple on IG: they are song writers and they make good music. A couple of weeks ago they asked me if I wanted to be part of […]

Musical Troll

Woke up this morning from a nightmare. One of my students posted a video of myself and Flavie in one of the local Facebook groups in Montreal. A beautiful video, one of our best videos. That video has about 30k views on our social media pages, combined. It’s a beautiful video, we really appreciate that […]

On the Flight | Memories | Edmonton

Still on the plane. Got some internet so I can continue typing to you and entertain you during this 3-4 hour flight. Yo guys, I gotta talk to you guys about something I almost forgot. But before I tell you about that, everybody in Calgary and Edmonton, your boy is gonna land ASAP. Make sure […]

Queen Eliza

Oh my god. Waking up from an AirBnb crazy ass paaaaartyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Like they say, all the freaks come out at midnight, and you know what? I am a very glad unapologetic motherfucker. The people that surround me are coolass motherfuckers that love to party, love to drink and don’t give a fuck about tomorrow. Eliza, […]

Real Talk | Sacrifices | The Love of Dance

Good Monday Mi Gente. Positive thinking. All of my peers when I told them about my crazy idea of stopping dancing salsa as much and investing in kizomba, they looked at me weird. They told me, “what you thinking kiddo? You already sharing the stage with Eddy Torres and you getting invited all over the […]

Shiny New Website

Good morning Mi Gente! Good afternoon. It is noon time in the 4 hearts of Montreal. Usually we say to anyone in North America, don’t go to Europe, just come to Montreal: an amazing beautiful city with a different architecture than most cities in North America. French speaking city, beautiful cultures from Africa to Europe […]

Short and Sweet

Good morning Mi Gente! First gig of the year, Houston Salsa Congress, Kizomba Canada is being well represented by our Highness 👑Flavie Merise. Montreal is being represented too, shiiiiiiiiiiit. Donald Trump stop talk about Haiti and give some electricity to Puerto Rico. I’m not gonna say anything because everybody is already roasting you so go […]

Trip to Africa | In My Feelings | Heart

#triptoafrica | #inmyfeelings | #heart I’ll keep my filters off and speak my mind and finally tell you what I think about this dance thing, yeah. When I started dancing I always felt like I am flying and all the current stressful problems will go away. Exactly like when Lauren Hill make her solo CD […]

Tunisia SBK | Travel Blog | Day 4

Omg. I woke up well my body woke up before my eyes open up but my body still tired. I dunno if it jet lag, I dunno if it is too much dancing I dunno if it is partying full 5 o’clock in the morning, but Rest In Peace to my body. Yesterday, me and […]

Tunisia SBK | Travel Blog | Day 4

Well today is Sunday. This weekend I’ve been teaching with me, well, French I’ll call it, or Franglais or my French du Canada lets call it ok? And I’m teaching in my French du Canada back to back to back then I see instructors that come from France teaching the whole class in English. That […]

Wednesdays = Kitaba

Afternoon Montreal and the world. Today I hope you are already getting ready for Kitaba social and the Dr Kizomba live streaming of the class for all my people outside of Montreal. If you are inside Montreal, see you at Espace Des Arts for the free class at 8:30pm of course, and as well for […]