Day 55 | My Brother’s Birthday

Today is my bro’s bday. Jalane, my mom’s 3rd eldest son. Growing up, everybody told me I talked, walked, tried to be like him. I hated that. But he WAS the coolest in the family. He could talk his way outta anything and had the nicest clothes, newest Jordans, best everything… he hustled hard, sometimes legally, sometimes illegally in crazy-poor Angola to survive and look good. #hustlegamestrong Now, he lives in the Netherlands with his beautiful 11 yr old daughter. She smiles when she Facetimes with her uncle – she gives your doctor joy. They gonna visit me in Lisbon. I got my girl 3 video games, Ratchet Clank, Lego City undercover, Crash bandicoot N Sane trilogy. Can’t wait to play with her. Mi Gente, Jalane was the best kizomba dancer, back in Angola. Your doctor’s head shake, extended ginga and elevated tarachina, all taken from him. His music is amazing – checkout his album “That boi from Angola” on itunes. I always was and still am his fan. HBD, my brother.

Real stuff: no names. Someone I know spoke with a friend of mine. “Why would I send $$ to Manuel if all I see him doing is having fun, sangrias, parties, living a better life than my own?” My answer to my friend: how come ppl feel comfortable talking shit to you about me? My answer to the dear person I used to admire: ppl deal with fear 2 ways. 1) Fuck Everything And Run or 2) Face Everything And Recover.Yes, my situation is not the best, but fuck if Imma run and hide, stop living and enjoying my life. Your doctor will ALWAYS find a way to survive. Put me in the Sahara, I’ll still come back, I’ll cut open cactus to drink water and follow the sun home. The people who love me sent me money. The people who criticize me didn’t. This situation showed me who my real friends are. #nofear

Shoutout: Restelo dance center. Last night was your doctor’s last class. It was emotional, the students are attached to me, booking privates to continue learning until I leave. They liked the Dr Kizomba syllabus. But my job was easy because of the great work by Capitan André and his partner, and all they’ve taught the students till now.

Wepa, Mi Gente. Time to drink for my brother’s bday.

#stuckinlisbon | #day55 | #5daystogo

First published on Facebook on July 26th, 2017.

Photo cred: Ludmila Tolentino

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