Day 40 | Drambuie

#OoopsHeDidItAgain 😂 Another amazing night, Mi Gente. Celebrated my Polish boy Pavo’s bday. Then I danced all night at Mwangole, saw my friends from the USA and Portugal. Stopped dancing when the lights came on, after the sun rise at 6am, and the club kicked us out.

Woke up a little dizzy, must be the Drambuie (Portuguese drink). But your doctor started his day with soup (Caldo Verde), bc that is tradition here, and now am feeling much better.

Time to get ready for tonight’s class at the View Rooftop by Frize – 2nd class of the special Dr Kizomba 4-week series! Tonight, @10pm! All my people in Lisbon… see you there!

Wepa, Mi Gente. Stay tuned, more news & events coming soon!

#stuckinlisbon | #day40 | #20daystogo

First published on Facebook on July 11th, 2017.

Photo cred: Ludmila Tolentino

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