Day 23 | Dr. K MVP

Michael Jordan | LeBron James |Dr Kizomba | #day23 |

But do they have your doctor’s mad hustling skills?

After resting on the beach yesterday and drinking a little lot of sangria, your boy chilled at home. Started off today with milk in my cereal – calcium for my dancing bones, vitamins and shit. Gotta have enough energy for tonight. THREE parties, my people. River Bank + Kianda + the Docks = imma be dancing till noon tomorrow. And you already know, imma show these niggas what kizomba really looks like. 😉

My people, we are getting close to the target donation level. Thank you! You make this stressful situation better.

And my people, I appreciate the support, but tomorrow? No early calls. Dancing till noon. NOON. #yourDrneedshisbeautysleeptoo

#stuckinlisbon | #day23 | #drKandMichaelJ

First published on Facebook on June 23rd, 2017.

Photo cred: Ludmila Tolentino

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