Day 22 | On Fire

Mi gente, life is hard. Another sunny day ☀️, no choice but to go to the beach 🌊 . Even Ninja-hustlers like your boy need to rest. 😂

I’ve got my ride-or-die chick Lud with me. She’s been hooking up your doctor with sweet contacts, helping me land that interview, shooting promotional videos for me. Girl’s got mad talent. Check her out on Fbk and IG @ludmilatolentinophotography. 👌

Lud and all the Portuguese ppl here have been great, friendly, helpful. But mi gente, life here is not easy. When I say it’s burning, I MEAN it’s burning hot 🔥. Forest fires this week have killed 60+ ppl, some near Lisbon. Pray for these people, my people. Let’s give them good karma, just like they gave me.

Wepa! Dr Kizomba is out – time to work on my tan.

#stuckinlisbon | #day22 | #onfire

First published on Facebook on June 22nd, 2017.

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