Day 28 | Modest Like Mayweather

Mi Gente, did you watch the fight? Damn. There were 2 people in that ring, but only one of them was a boxer. I am a McGregor fan, but Mayweather demolished him. It was like watching a tiger play with a kitten. You can’t fake greatness. Watching Mayweather is watching the results of thousands of hours of hard work. It’s watching years of practice aiming for perfection in every movement. It’s watching muscle memory at work. It’s watching mastery, developed by repetition, discipline and focus. Boxing is not very different from dancing. It requires training, it is a form of communication, and when it is done properly, it is impossible to not watch.

You know who else is impossible not to watch? Your boy Dr. Kizomba. Like Mayweather, your boy believes in hard work, training and repetition. That’s why your boy has started his new project, Afro-fitness.

Afro-fitness is fun.
Afro-fitness is sweat.
Afro-fitness is laughter and new friends.
Afro-fitness is new moves, practiced until perfect.
Afro-fitness is footwork.
Afro-fitness is confidence on and off the dance floor.
Afro-fitness is taking care of your body. Afro-fitness is learning how to feed your body to feel your best.
Afro-fitness is showcasing your body. Taking pride in your body. Yours, nobody else’s. You spend every day, 24/7 in your body. You should feel fabulous in your body.
Afro-fitness is taking a challenge, and accountability.
Afro-fitness is learning new music, rhythms and sounds.
Afro-fitness is shaking your head to beats that only you can hear, and smiling because you feel good.
Afro-fitness is the Dr. Kizomba way of life.

So Mi Gente, don’t miss your chance. Today is the last day for the casting of your boy’s new project. 5pm at Espace des Arts. See you there!

This is gonna be sweaty. Your boy is gonna pack in more energy than one of Mayweather’s punches to the body.

#stuckincanada | #day28 | #modestlikeMayweather

First published on Facebook on August 28th, 2017.

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