Day 10 | New Project

Your boy fell asleep in Mtl, woke up in TO. I came to visit my sister and my mini-me, my little nephew Junior in the six, my old city. Missed my fam after 60 days #stuckinlisbon. Nothing much has changed here but damn, what an expensive city! 💸Gonna hang out with my homies, and then your doctor is gonna hit a couple spots to do some local dancing. As day 10 goes, I’m able to control a little more the jet-lag but I’m waking up too early, with the birds, or sometimes even before. 🕊I dunno if that’s good, I dunno if that’s bad, but makes me work early. #yesyourdoctorworkshard #noreally #notjustapartyanimal

And now, Mi Gente, you need to stay tuned for another Dr Kizomba production: Afro-fitness. 💥We have a casting call on Aug 20, check out the event details on my page. 3 months of Kuduro training with your Doctor + following a diet plan with a nutritionist = weight-loss, fitness, and you already know, crazy Dr K fun. 😎The lucky participants will work HARD in Sept-Oct-Nov. They’ll be able to show off their mad dancing skills and sexy spicy hot bodies in time for the holidays. 🔥❄🔥#SantaaintgotshitonDrK 🎅🏾

That’s all for today, my people. #shortandsweet

#stuckincanada | #day10 | #newproject

First published on Facebook on August 10th, 2017.

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