News news news news!

Good morning good afternoon good Gindungo. The weather in Montreal is fantastic as we speak. I am currently at Yeh! Yogurt looking out of the window with Batmobile waiting to go and get some people at the airport. Oops! Did I say that I am with the Batmobile at Yeh! Yogurt ready to go get some people at the airport? But wait a minute, today is Tuesday. And that don’t count, because Gindungo is only… weeeeeeell, I guess I already have some artists coming! Surprise surprise! Let’s see who is the artist arriving TODAY in Montreal for the Gindungo festival. But even better than that: I was able to get you guys a coffee discount because my partner right here at Yeh! Yogurt that we’ve been doing business together for 8 years, they gave me the Gindungo code so anything you gonna purchase at Yeh! Yogurt, by saying the word “Gindungo” you automatically get $1 off. We know you gonna need your coffee because the Drena is gonna be 100%. Me right here and my Mai Ling partner right here are going to make sure that you guys get that great promotion. $1 off from Yeh! Yogurt on all your purchases.

I mean this is just Gindungo family, what you want me to do?! We are gonna kill you and resurrect you and kill you again.

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