News news news news!

Right now right here in my hand you are looking at the Gindungo schedule. No excuses, everybody gonna keep one in their pocket safe. If not, you can save one from your cellphone with the pictures if you cool like that. We gonna have the schedules on the door, and then we gonna have small IG schedules on the flyers so that way you can be informed of the schedule and the timing of everything going, especially for the Saturday and Sunday.

Gang gang. It’s happening. It’s this week! Gindungo is here, no excuses! Are you ready? Are you really ready for this madness? Because every other day I wake up, I ask myself “is it Gindungo yet??” I’m not gonna say no names but some artists are so excited they already come right now on Tuesday and on Wednesday and on Thursday just to start the party. They just wanna start the party! That’s how lit this festival is gonna be. It’s lit, my people. LIT.

I really can’t wait for this event to start, really my people, over one year of work, let’s go let’s go let’s go. If you don’t have your passes, I don’t even know what to tell. Just get your passes.

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