Mtl See You Soon | Porter is the Shit | Toronto Sucks

Landed in Canada. Privilege. Enjoying my city… yo, while I was flying I saw the houses on the island and it really remind me of my city, Toronto. And also I remember I that marijuana, yay. Yes bitch yes! Feel good to be a Canadian right now. It’s good times, yeah. Good times. I just had to check out because I gotta go to Montreal right now and that’s actually the city of my dreams. I always wanted to go to Montreal, since I came to Canada in 2008. I remind myself of the people in Toronto, they so freaking snobbish. They act like when they go to the toilet their shit don’t stink. Toronto is a city full  of immigrants but because of the passport, they forget and start acting up. That’s what I like about Montreal, the Frenchies are cool.
Look at this cute flight attendant that I just met. She’s the bombdotcom she gave me so many beers on the flight! That motherfucker was crazy. Now I’m stuck in the airport for 1 hour or 2 I dunno. Gotta get to my flight and go straight to the studio to do the Dr. Kizomba show for you guys. And guess what? I got another picture with captain on the planes. I guess I am the real captain on the plane!
Did you see the picture that I posted about Shirley (Box cutter) Baker the first woman to tell the police ‘you got me fucked up’? OMG I was dying when I saw that post. Shirley gangsta, yo. Shirley gangsta!
#Mtlseeyousoon | #Porteristheshit | #Torontosucks
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