Love at First Sight | Miss Burger | Qatar

When I saw you, my heart stopped!
I was like “This is impossible, how come she has so much thickness?” It fucking blew my mind I couldn’t stop looking at your price on the menu. I was like I don’t wanna buy you miss Burger because that would ruin our relationship so I decided to wait … Tick Tock my palms were sweaty, my heart couldn’t stop beating, my forehead looked like when Michael Jordan almost lost in the 90’s, I mean sweatyyyyyyyy like Charles Barkley. That’s not the point, the point is it was luv at first sight and I admit I was not ready for a relationship just until I saw u miss burger and then you told me that your name was OMG Burger… Say Whaaaaaat? Qatar 🇶🇦 what you doing to me? I have a plane to catch to Cape Town now I am confused. I am stuck in the Middle East ready to stay but am listening to Tray Songs “I don’t wanna leave but I gotta go right now” type of stuff. See, I can’t even curse in front of you, ma bad miss burger… Ok I am going to say something that might sound vulgar but it’s straight coming from my lips that sometimes can be a nasty place. Can I eat u up and lick my fingers after please? Don’t get offended, I will do it gently but if you squirt on my lips then I have to let my tongue work in a 360 type of way to cover the juice because am not letting any drop on the floor. Did I get your attention?

So what u say?

#loveatfirstsight | #missburger | #qatar
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