Live Videos On Point
Good morning Mi Gente. At this time its mid-afternoon. Thank you so much my people for coming yesterday to Kitaba and making this dance floor flow like a roller-coaster.
Your boy Dr Kizomba has some important news for you. You already know about the night of Feb 9th and the workshop in Lisbon. But that’s not what we are gonna talk about. We’re actually gonna talk about Eliza coming this weekend. This is gonna be bananas, my people. She is gonna be here on Saturday to teach you some ginga. She is also gonna be here at our Premier of Kitaba Saturday, our new designed monthly event with DJ the Best, DJ Do Marcal and DJ Fofo Jah in the 4 hearts of Montreal. On Sunday we are going to have an AirBnB party. Don’t forget to come and meet and greet the Queen!
These live videos are killing me, Mi Gente. There’s 2 kinda going on. There’s the #talkingshit series with Dr Kizomba, and the actual Dr Kizomba #live videos on Wednesdays – those are the professional ones, the ones where you can check out your doctor teaching online. I gotta give it up to my professional production team. Yesterday our video reached some crazy ass numbers in a few hours, and we are now seeing the result of our hard work. Invest, flip it and cutting simple hustle gimmicks. For the #talkingshit videos, just drop any topic in Dr Kizomba’s inbox and imma talk about it. If you afraid to say something, something happened to you and you feel it’s not fair, let your boy know and Dr Kizomba’s gonna fight for you. Dr Kizomba aka unapologetic motherfucker. See you on the next post.
That’s all for today, Mi Gente. Your boy is teaching at Baila Con Gusto tonight. You know where to find me.
#freedom | #QueenofGinga | #livevideosonpoint
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