Kizomba n’rua | the Paris I know | Brotherhood

Bonjour Paris! C’est votre gars, sans filtre ni restreint, Dr. Kizomba, qui vous écrit. Wassup wassup my people, it’s your unapologetic motherfucker Dr. Kizomba reporting from Paris.

The Paris I know is 100% kizomba and semba coladera, ghetto zouk love with sprinkles of flamingo dance. Why? It’s about the people you surround yourself with and the places you chose to go to. It is indeed a magical city with magical people. Just make sure you’re surrounded with the right people and the right energy. With that said, you know I’ve been to every social, but yesterday was surreal. Yesterday was so surreal that I had to stop and pinch myself to really digest all the magical dances, people, smiles, beautiful port, Kizomba n’rua. But really – n’rua. Next to my friends and people that I met in Paris, not only Angolans, but every single… it was a melting pot, something that you don’t see every day. You know? Just magical. Starting with the DJ sets, which I thought they all did an exceptional job. The dances, people really were enjoying themselves. Great number of people, at one point I think we were 300-400 people. The energy and the party just kept on going up, never minding that this party is authorized by the government of France 🇫🇷! Shiiiiiit. These niggas are just on another level. Taking notes!

I really gotta give a special shout out for these 2 guys that you see here in this picture, Mr. Tecas and Santos, and the rest of the DJs and artists. But my brother was really promoting, every second song he was dropping my name on that fucking mic. Everyone was asking me, “C’est toi qui viens du Canada?” Give respect where respect is due. That’s what happens when you meet your mirror, someone who was born on the same day as you and come from the same country as you and went to the exact same schools in Pettyville.

#kizombanrua | #theParisIknow |#brotherhood
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