Kitaba Social | Monique Birthday | Chico barber

Yeah man I was procrastinating because of all this snow that is going on around me. I have an appointment with the dentist today that already yesterday I procrastinated because I hate the dentist, like I HATE the dentist, I’m just afraid. But I freaking need help, so I guess I gotta go and get this shit done. But currently Montreal is so cold that everything needs to be procrastinated. I guess I’ll do it for Malenfant because today is Monique’s birthday, let me go and celebrate with my long-time friend at Kitaba her 22 year birthday. You don’t need to know her age, she is young enough. She is young and wise, yeah.

I look like Wolverine, it’s been a while that I didn’t go to the barber. I don’t even wanna do a before and after. Some things you keep it to yourself. But today is sharpen day. Today is lineup Wednesday. I think I am gonna make Wednesdays my lineup day, just before Kitaba so that every Kitaba I’m fresh to death, facial.

#Kitabasocial | #Moniquebirthday | #Chicobarber
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