Kitaba Social | Birthday Girl | Malenfant

Happy birthday Monique Malenfant. It’s been about 8 years that I’ve been making fun of your name. And it’s been 8 years that I’ve been your friend and sincerely that you’ve been mine.

Monique Malenfant. You already know I’m smiling by saying your name. The number of days that you’ve been on this earth is just too much! No, I’m not calling you old. I’m just saying that you saw a lot. You lived a lot and oufff and if I tell you the half of the story of our tea gossip, you guys wouldn’t believe. We are like two old ladies, gossiping about every single shit, for 8 years.

Monique Malenfant. You’ve been my real friend and you’ve known me and accepted me for who I am. You the reason of my quote today: Take me as I am or kiss my ass, eat shit and step on legos. Thank you so much for being my friend and I can’t wait to see you tonight and see you at Kitaba so we can have a little cake and organize a birthday dance. And celebrate the infinite numbers of your age. Happy birthday my old friend and I know you having fun with your Mexican grandson.

I was gonna translate all this message in Québécois but I’m gonna leave with a hint called Dear Jorge and the ones that know are on the floor.

#Kitabasocial | #birthdaygirl | #Malenfant

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