Gindungo recovery

It goes like this.
It took me couple days to fully recover from Gindungo and lemme tell you, not because we are organizing but because I was there at the parties and enjoying and seeing everyone enjoying, at the workshops seeing everyone enjoying, seeing what everyone is talking about after the festival, seeing all the memes that people is making because of all of the beautiful pictures photographers and videographers, that captured the images that we gonna be posting throughout the entire year until Gindungo 5.
Gindungo was simply unforgettable. Reason why: finally there is a festival where is about the artists, where is about the DJs, where is about the social dancing. Politics aside, no flyers promoting other festivals aka no new friends. The festival was about Dr Kizomba and Kizomba Canada’s spirit. Meaning, keep the same energy that you kept during the year because we won’t change our energy. Every single artist was treated with respect and taken care of. Respect: food in your belly. Respect: a bed to sleep. Respect: private classes. Respect: full workshops. Respect: amazing performances. Respect: get drunk under Dr. Kizomba hands. Respect: and if they smoke, get high under Dr. Kizomba weed! A good welcoming in a Canadian way, and a lot of talking shit conversations. Now that’s my type of festival. Now finally you get to know my Jack-n-Jill competition, live first handed. People left on Sunday with abs. Reason why: too much laughing. The artists acted the fool and showed noooooooooooo ego. Well, Fabricio almost cried, losing his title.
Let me tell you about the 200 people after party until 7 o’clock in the morning that was supposed to be until 6, but our secret location owner told us we could go until 7 because he never saw his house packed like that. All my friends all over United States, Africa, Europe and all the other places I’m sorry I’m not mentioning because of the tiring of the festival, thank you for coming to meet my Kitaba students, Kizomba Canada members and some of the kiz in Montreal folks that sneaked in. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for making Gindungo 4 what it is or what it was because Gindungo 5 is what is at.
Can’t wait to see you next year, same time, same place. Don’t forget to purchase the early bird passes because like this year, the prices go high closer to the festival.
Till next year!
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