Friday | Miami Dance Fest | Part 3

Yassssssss!!! Your spirits heard my prayers! You rock my voodoo gang, thank you so much, that’s far from what happened and you already know. Okay I’ll give you the tea from the plane. Dedication… You know your boy is funny as fuck, right? okay I was like am gonna be so funny make everyone laugh and make sure they feel petty for my ass and just say nigga jump on it here is the ticket… Well before all that happened, the plane wasn’t even on the gate yet and they where chatting about everything fool … A church lady was sitting next to me and witnessed me going off to myself how much I need this flight (in a funny way of course). Then one by one, they started to listen as my loud mouth kept on going … She was almost dead from hard laughing and the entertainment. So did the other people, I believe that even the American Airlines workers tuned in to my channel. Then they called “DOS SANTOS”. I jumped and screamed yasssss!!! They all started to clap. Hhahahahaha I guess they now know that am a dancer and going to Miami.

#friday | #miamidancefest | #travelblog

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