Dr. Kizomba Wear | Kitaba Social | Mtl

✍🏿 Good morning, my people! It’s your boy, Dr. Kizomba. Today I woke up feeling like a million bucks! The Semba class- off the chain last night! I was happy to see my students with a real joy on my face. Yes and I can say I miss my students because I miss them.

✍🏿 Well recuperated and ready to dance and attack again! So speaking of dancing, I have a hot social- if not the hottest motherfucking social in Montreal. I know it belongs to me and my gang. But still- I really can’t wait for Wednesday to dance at Kitaba. Yes I’m being biased. Yes I’m being biased, but DJ The Best is simply the BEST when he’s playing at Kitaba. I cannot guarantee that at other places, but when he’s playing at Kitaba he’s simply the best!

✍🏿 And as well, I have a nice song that came out on the Dr. Kizomba YouTube that you guys can check out. And if you guys get that tune, I’ll make sure that we play it at Kitaba today. And don’t forget, we have the program starting tonight. For the people that need to learn Kizomba, jump on this bitch and learn from your Doctor! See you soon!

Dr Kizomba shirts coming soon!!!

#drkizombawear | #kitabasocial | #mtl

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