Dr. Kizomba Show | Tuesday Semba | Kitaba Social

Good morning, good afternoon, good midday.

It’s your boy Dr. Kizomba, unapologetic motherfucker. Yesterday we just finished filming 100 videos for the VIP club. You better subscribe my people, there’s a lot of moves there, for years! Hard work pays off.

And of course, today at 3pm we have your Dr. Kizomba show. The topic is: Tell us about your worst dancing experience. And on this show, TODAY, we are going to be accepting calls! Of course, lots of laughs, because we gonna get it in. 😂

As well, of course, yesterday we had kuduro and today we gonna have semba. Adding onto the weekly journal, Wednesday we have the Kitaba social and Thursday Kizomba Canada will be performing at Baila Con Gusto. More news to come, of course, but for now, just digest what you have and enjoy your week.


#drkizombashow | #Tuesdaysemba | #Kitabasocial

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