Delayed Good Times

Maaaaaan, good morning Mi Gente. I’m 😔 . I’m sad that I am not going to be able to be in Lisbon on time for my workshop and parties organized by Miguel and Monica 💔. Thank you to my brother Bonifacio for being my backup this weekend. We are already arranging a new date so that that way we can make this happen.

Man, my life is a bag of unexpected events. I just have bad luck overall😫. But fuck it, let’s roll with my bad luck life💩. I wish I had 2 bodies, make it 3. One that lived in Europe🇪🇺, one that lived in Canada🇨🇦 and one that lived in United States🇺🇸, so I could be with people that I love all the time and not have to travel and time zone differences and life would be perfect. My morning would be their morning. My afternoons would be their afternoons. My parties would be their parties. Yes, I wish that. But don’t worry Lisbon, I will see you very soon. ❤️

#freedom | #badluck | #delayedgoodtimes

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