Day 68 | Baila Con Gusto

Oh my god. Semba classes on Tuesday, off the chain. The students are getting better. Kitaba social last night, off the chain. 4 students won Gindungo 4 passes! I told you to get the passes, but you didn’t listen to me. Now people is getting their passes on deck. I honestly thought that I was not gonna have a lot of students because of the rain yesterday, but I think next week we gonna have to open the big room, because the class was super packed. So many new faces, I was like woah! Where are these people coming from? Really proud of the work that me and my team are putting in to make sure that this kizomba is being well promoted in Montreal. Team Kizomba Canada, team Dr. Kizomba, way to go.

If you didn’t have the chance to see the Dr. Kizomba show, we are already on episode 2. Please tune in on the site: Please tune in on FaceBook: Dr. Kizomba page. Please tune in on YouTube: Dr. Kizomba channel. You will have a good laugh. It’s all about love, it’s all about expression. The topics are hot fire. You can even catch some Portuguese expressions from your boy Dr. Kizomba. Some good good stuff. That juice from the bottom, the darker the color, the sweeter the juice. I’m sorry for my people that probably feel offended by my bluntness. To be honest with you, we really don’t give 2 fucks, because like I told you, in Dr. Kizomba world, we love drama, blame it on your mama. So my people, thank you so much for being productive and following your boy Dr. Kizomba, like shit on grass, and making me work and upgrade the steps and the technique properly. It’s really something else. And I’m very proud. But there is more to come.

Today, I’m gonna work on my guns and we gonna do #ganstaphysique number 8, arms day. My legs are hurting from yesterday. Just remember, today we not gonna be playing.

We gonna be at Baila Con Gusto teaching a kizomba class, Manuel & Flavie and the Kizomba Canada team of course. Please come and join us at one of the hottest nights in Montreal, with the finest. Come ready to laugh because it’s another live video, this is the 4th live video of the week, shit, I’m getting good at this shit!!! If you wanna have more information, please subscribe on your boy Dr. Kizomba on YouTube and click on that button to get your notifications on.

At this moment, I am doing my hair by Baby Hair, that’s where your boy Dr. Kizomba gets his dreads fixed. Then I’m gonna go to the King Cuttz to get my face fixed to look decent for this weekend.

#soberdays | #day68 | #bailacongusto

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