Day 63 | Mexico: Day 3

Good morning, mi Gente, afternoon by now.

Yesterday’s workshops were off the chain. Mexico is off the chain. Today we have one more workshop, kuduro. I didn’t want to eat breakfast because I wanna kill these people right now, one more last time.

Today we are gonna do 2 shows back to back. One with Tyler and Misha, and one kuduro show me & Flavie. We gonna take the plane tomorrow, so that we can go back to our city Montreal with a lot of Mexican memories. For my souvenirs I took 2 this time, one for my back pack and one for my work table. The one for my work table is a boat that a lot of people already know that brought a lot colonizers to America. The one for my back pack is a memory of Mexico, Puerto Vallarta.

Yesterday the party was good, they had to put a room of Kizomba and Bachata together. You already know you can’t hardly mix those 2 dances together but the DJ did a good job. He even played some Afrohouse and Kuduro. Today the party continues. The theme of tonight is flowers 🌸. Let’s do this one more time and one thing I gotta say about Mexican people. They are very cool and helpful.

#soberdays | #day63 | #Mexicoday3


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