Day 53 | Vermont: 2 days to go

Day 53 Mi Gente. Feeling cooler than a polar bear toe nail. Montreal has blessed us with a beautiful sun. I dunno about the cold, spring is a little late, but at least it looks amazing without the snow.

Day 53 without smokes or alcohol. This shit is getting easier. Yesterday, I ate 2 big slices of salmon, after semba class and the kuduro practice with the Kizomba Canada team. Came home, knocked out. Damn this shit is getting easy.

My people I just want you to do one thing right now: please subscribe to your boy’s Dr. Kizomba YouTube channel, because I realize that being a YouTuber is much more profitable than being a FaceBooker. I will try to keep up with my messages and delivery and weekly update videos, and of course my vlog will always be popping with some news and hot topics.

On the other note, today my people we have the Kitaba social and that is gonna be off the chain. So get ready to release your stress on the mid-week Wednesday with Kizomba Canada by the sounds of DJ Fofo Jah and dance your ass off. Free Kizomba class with your boy Dr. Kizomba at 8:30pm, regular classes with Kizomba Canada 6:30pm-9:30pm.

I’m gonna add a new challenge to my body today. Your boy is going to the gym to work on this gangster physique. Let’s start with 5 days at the gym per week and 2 days rest. Workout arms, legs, chest and back, and a bonus cardio workout. You gotta have commitment, without commitment your body won’t change. Let’s see how that goes.

#soberdays | #day53 | #Vermont2daystogo

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