Day 38 | Baltimore: 2 days to go
Good afternoon Mi Gente.
Hey hey hey hey! It’s Dr. Kizomba, the one and only unapologetic motherfucker is back! Not only back, but I’m going, because Thursday I gotta get my flight to Baltimore, and get back to my performance life. Thank you for Baltimore Salsa Congress for really really really inviting your boy Dr. Kizomba to come and do what I do best. Lock this motherfucking house, hang out with my old friends and meet some new friends. Ladies, I got something special for y’all! I got the Kizomba Canada leggings on deck. I got the black Angolan, the blue Haitian and I got the red Angolan and Haitian mix. They hold everything and much more, and they pop what you don’t think you had. Try them on and you gonna see the Kizomba Canada leggings on deck.
And omg I am starting to see the Gindungo fever going on on Facebook. Thank you so much to everybody who is posting and talking about how amazing the festival is. No lie, I am still recuperating and I dunno how this is gonna go. I am still tired, and still looking like a zombie. But happy. My two last artists just left the building, hopefully they gonna make it to their plane. Thank you so much to Fabricio and Paraiso for hanging out an extra day and making us laugh. As well, Ebo and Nana, and Haley and Fatet and Shakira. Please go and check out the pictures on the Gindungo page, and don’t forget to click the button “Like”. You wanna know the irony? I don’t even eat pepper. That shit hurts, wrong African. But hey! Gindungo was around my life, Gindungo is my culture, next name will be Dr. Gindungo, but I already have Mr. Gindungo in London, my son Richard. Don’t forget to purchase your tickets for Gindungo 4, because in 4 days the price jumps to 80 bucks. Don’t wait till the last minute, because it will be $200 at the door. And don’t try “Manuel, come on, you my friend, hook it up”, because Flavie don’t play no games. I’m nice, but the answer is always no when I ask her. All in all, I’m just digesting, but I still have a lot to talk about.
Kudos my people, thank you so much for coming to the festival. I am very proud and happy as you see. Muchas gracias. Muchas muchas muchas gracias.
Dr. Kizomba #live on Wednesday and then Baltimore Salsa Congress on Thursday. Your boy is back on his game. But don’t forget it Mi Gente today is day 38 of freedom from alcohol and smokes. For my people that is following me with the countdown, we made it baby, we made it. The most challenging part is done!
#soberdays | #day38 | #Baltimore2daystogo
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