Day 27 | NYC Subway Saga, part3

After leaving my taco spot, the city was a little windy, windy, windy. Not really cold, but windy. I was walking around looking for something to buy and I saw Aldo and then I saw H&M. And I was like “fuck H&M”, remember when they put the picture of the coolest monkey in the jungle on that beautiful black baby, I am not fucking going inside that place! But then I saw a store with nice glasses, with a picture of Jamie Foxx, and I am a huge Jamie Foxx fan. So I walked in, and one of the guys selling the glasses was a nice kid  and he told me, all the glasses here are for the same price, 30 bucks. For real?! So I asked him, why is Jamie Foxx on the picture? And the kid told me, this is his store! I didn’t know Jamie Foxx had a store! So I asked him: if I buy all these glasses, the money will go straight to Jamie Foxx? And the sales kid said hell to the yes! Since I am on my Wakanda days, I’m like you know what? I am here to support my black people, black owned stores, black owned farms, black lives matter, for shizzle my nizzle, let me cop 2 of these, one pair clear, one pair not clear. The coolest thing is that at the store they even had a photoshoot booth. I guess you guys checking on my pictures right now, shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. I had to model for these shots, for free.99. And then the boy at the store told me, if I cop 2, he would give me the price of $55, and I was like hell to the yes, that’s what I am talking about. So I took the stuff, you know? 55 was a good deal. I tried to push it for a better deal – I mean, since I am in New York, let me get into this asshole mood. But then I remembered, come on, maybe I should support my brother Jamie with my money. #wakandaforever
On the W, swipe my card, doesn’t work, swipe again, wtf, oh hey it worked, yayyyyyy! There are some motherfuckers playing drums in the subway, feels like I am in Wakanda. Time to switch trains. Gotta take the L train, the loser train, back to the airBnb. I don’t know which direction, both directions say they are going to Brooklyn, whaaat? Shoot me please. It’s ok, a nice beautiful lady just told me which train to take. I’m good. But wait, the metro didn’t stop at my stop. It’s still not stopping, now I gotta go back in the other direction for 2 stops, I guess my $20 bucks ticket is useful. I am staring right now at a picture that says “I saved my best friend.” There is a dude playing the violin right now. I had to stop typing, and start taping, I managed to get a little bit of his playing. He was really good! So dope. I dunno what’s happening right now, the metro is stopped. And right after my boy just killed it on the violin, a dude right here just spilled a beer all over the floor, and he is talking reaaaaaal angry shit to everybody on the train,  yeah he is scaring people.  What the heck is going on, why is the train not moving? Some people got off the train and started walking, and that dude is still talking about stabbing people on the train. Yeah, there are kids right here too! Oh the train just started, that’s good, but wait! It’s not stopping again at all the stops, whaaaaaaaaaaaat?! There goes my stop, there goes another stop. I think its gonna go all the way back the other way. Fuck.
As soon as I could, I couldn’t take it no more, the train wasn’t stopping. I left the station and walked up into this And/Or coffee shop, 561 Lorimier St, Brooklyn, NY. I met this cool dude, originally from Virginia and he just gave me a moka for free.99! I told him my story about New York, and trust me I am coming back here because the coffee here is better than the moka I get from my Yeh yogurt shop, but shhhhhhhhhhhhh please don’t tell my Yeh people. And you know what’s the funny thing about it? My brother right here is on his day 8 of soberness! I just told him that I am on my day 27 and the beautiful thing about it is that his reason for quitting was because of bank account emptiness. And as well, he had to start saying no to going out with his friends because he knew what would happen. So I guess everybody is living their struggle. Alcohol and sugar, the most addictive drugs of 2018. Wait a minute, there is a lot of sugar in alcohol! And that’s the irony.
As I am waiting for my Uber to go back to my airBnb palace, let me say: New York, New York, haha, you gotta love it, hate it, scream at it, but wow what an amazing place. My last words are:  I love you New York!
#soberdays | #day27 |#NYCsubwaysagapart3
First published on Facebook on March 16, 2018.
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