Day 26 | NYC Subway Saga

The stupidest subway system in the entire universe. First of all, there is a lady sitting at the booth, giving you instructions to go work with a machine that has 600 buttons on it and looks like a fucking Japanese robot. The lady in the booth is extra rude, with a majestic moustache. After I just spent 20 bucks on the machine, I saw with a person jaywalking and opening up the door to let people through into the metro. I saw another person jay walking with a baby, cool, just opening the door in front of me, walking in for free, right in front of me standing with my ticket! And the rude lady is just sitting on the booth talking on the phone while people just walking in. But something just happened! She called the police. They came to get the guy. I just took a picture, let me go check this out! The police came in 2 seconds, I thought they was gonna get the guy, but they just walked by the dude! I don’t understand! Now going back to my story with the Japanese machine, she gave me 1 minute instructions with a rude accent, like “goooooooo to the machine, click on single ride, then click on the button, and then…” I dunno some shit, she was speaking a foreigner language with me. The machine ate my $20 bucks! I go back and talk to her, and she tell me that I got myself a $20 ticket, I can swipe all I want every time I am in the metro. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
Now I am inside of the train. And this look like the trains that all this shit happen on the internet. When people start acting weird and shit. Okay.
First of all, I saw a sign saying “keep your belongings” and stuff like that, I am minding my business in a corner. This girl walked in with her boyfriend, 2 colonizers. She rudely put her back against my back, like that was the only place that they could stand. And then when the train started moving, she stepped on me, I don’t even know if she apologized me or not, because she had her back turned against me, and heyyyy there is music playing as I am typing this, this is crazy I never saw so many people in my life, and the boyfriend patted her on the back like she is the one that just got stepped on. What kind of shit is that? Well, I need to keep my cool to live in a city like this. Because otherwise every day I would be fighting, and going to jail. I’m being serious.
Anyways I am waiting for my W train, on my way to Times Square! So far and So good.
I took the metro W in the wrong direction.
Now I have no time to go to Times Square. I’m in Soho, and I gotta be at the studio by 7pm!
Calling the Uber.

#soberdays | #day26 | #NYCsubwaysaga

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