Day 26 | Gindungo: 9 to go

Allo Mi Gente, good morning, I know it’s not really good morning, but I feel asleep in Montreal, but I woke up in New York, New York, bitcheeeeeeeeeeeeeees. It is the officially first day out of Canada, and let me tell you, my DM blowing! I feel like I came out of jail. And everybody started to put the hashtag #freedrkizomba. Yes, it’s true, the airBnb is awe-So-Me. 3 floors, 2 baths, 1 living, 1 big kitchen, 3 rooms, 3 showers, 1 body. Please! Don’t hate. I’m joking. The way this motherfucker is looking through my eyes, shiiit, even I would hate myself! Give it up for my promoters, my DJs and give it up also for the locals because I am getting a lot of love from New York right here, even though I just woke up. I’m getting mad messages, mad messages, and I am messaging my people as well because tonight it’s gonna be ON. I will keep this one short because as I go, I’m gonna keep on posting because I want you guys to live the trip with me. Depending on which one is closer to me, I’m headed to Brooklyn Bridge or Times Square.

Old Spice on deck, carrot juice boy, and I’m fucking with Yves St-Laurent. Yeah, baby, that electric smell. As you remember, today is day 26, right? Ain’t no drinking for this body yet. And actually I’m gonna give you guys a short revelation. When I used to go to places and congresses and do what I do best, at this time I’d probably be already tipsy because of the anxiety and excitement to be in New York. But right now, the first thing I did is to take a nap and wake up flawless. As you see in the picture. And now after taking a good shower, hitting the streets to start my day like a Shaolin monk, cooler than a polar bear toe-nail.

I will see you guys on the next post before class.

Kudos, motherfuckers, kudos! Like Cardi B would say, BAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!

#soberdays | #day26 | #gindungo9togo

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