Day 22 | Gindungo: 13 to go

“We can’t become who we want by remaining who we are.” Sober day 22, smoking-free day 22.

Let me tell you a funny story about yesterday. Your boy went to Moka, another beautiful place where we dance old school Cuban Salsa and Bachata. It’s actually a legendary place because most of the folks that go there I know them personally for over 12years and was the first place that invited me to come to Montreal and to do a performance. Gotta give a big shout out to DJ Brown Sugar and Momma aka Marie Christine for keeping that up for all these years. It’s a beautiful place to be as well because it is at Espace des Arts aka the only place in Montreal aka the house of Gindungo aka the house of Kitaba aka the house of Kizomba Canada.

Now let me tell you a funny story about yesterday. After Moka, me and Flavie and Ronyca we went to Pho aka my favorite Vietnamese restaurant on St Catherine street. Don’t worry when you come to Gindungo you will be able to see all these places I talk about in Montreal. Went back home and start physically working 👨🏿‍💻on the site of Gindungo and the promotion on my rickety ass computer, a Mac from 1999 that I need to change, so old! Anyway I dunno how these things really work but I was still starving. The soup I ate at Pho was delicious, but that shit didn’t last long, so what do I do? Call my friend Uber Eats, order my Indian food (big up to Navi my Indian nigga) some curry chicken and rice and some drinks included, I didn’t know what kind. My food arrived, it came Coca Cola as the drinks. I start to eat, I felt thirsty, I tried to have a sip of Coke 🥤and my stomach started acting like this was a new motherfucking shit on my system. It didn’t feel right, it felt like poison. I put that shit down, followed by a lot of water so I could clean whatever was making me feel like that. I guess this sober shit is for real! Not even Coca Cola I feel comfortable of drinking no more! 😳🤷🏿‍♂️So that was my little crazy story of the day.

I started to work on Gindungo 4 because the festival is coming, and I was feeling a little entrepreneurial, and I thought what if I start the sales for Gindungo 4 right now. A new idea for me but I guess these motherfuckers are gonna copy the way they copy everything,they always do. As I scroll down I see my competitors doing the same thing I do, literally copy pasting. I make my event on Eventbrite, monkey make their events on Eventbrite. I call my event Montreal Kizomba festival, monkeys call their event Montreal Kizomba festival, I come up with a concept, monkeys copy the concept. Literally copy and pasting, woooow. Do niggas have any original ideas these days? Because I am needing inspiration but the only new ideas I am seeing are coming from me, I am talking about my in kingdom aka Montreal, the capital of Kizomba. Does the concept of dignity still apply? Or pride or originality? I guess not. Monkey see monkey do. So not to elaborate anymore, I’ll just continue working hard, and hey we live in a free world I guess, everybody can copy if they want. Shaking my head.

On a savage note. Today I will murder my team because some of them were partying yesterday as I know. I hope they bringing their A game to practice today, because I am ready to murder some motherfuckers in this bitch. Gindungo is coming and nobody can slack! Practice time! Someone is gonna vomit all their drinks from yesterday, Mi Gente! Military boot camp.

I am gonna leave this post like this, so that tomorrow I can give you more news, and the day after and the day after. Consistency!

By the way, Mi Gente, I’m opening up a twitter page, it’s gonna be called drkizombarants. Stay tuned for this shit because I am going to be ranting non stop on that bitch, you know I’m an unapologetic motherfucker anyways. 😉

#soberdays | #day22 | #gindungo13togo

First published on Facebook on March 11, 2018.

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