Day 14 | Gindungo: 21 to go

Good day, Mi Gente. It’s 5 o clock, it’s Saturday, and it’s roasting time. Yesterday was gooood! I don’t really remember what I did, I just know that I woke up feeling good. Ohhhhh shit, now I remember. I was roasting a live video yesterday. I was talking about my buddy Carlos. If you guys get the opportunity, please go and check my latest live video, because I’m roasting an individual and it’s not the first, but the second time that he goes after my brother Carlito’s exes. And this time it was a little personal because he went after my nigga baby mama, and wife or ex-wife I don’t know their marriage status. Carlos is my other brother from Mexico. Andale Andale Ariba Ariba!! Everybody knows that I have a good relationship with my Mexicans. I think that in the life before this I was a Mexican. Well, I was talking about this cabron.

Then after, I went to support my brother Ly, Happy Birthday Ly from Montreal. The party was off the chain! But what, these people don’t know how to smile? The party was good, the music was good, there were a lot of people there, but motherfuckas were dancing like they’re on their way to work. Everyone is dancing so serious these days. I was out with Mango Flavie. And as a matter of fact, Happy Birthday to Julie, too! She was out as well yesterday with us, and magically Ayeto appeared on the dancefloor. Hmmmmm. A bit weird. But only I know why.

In the White Room, give it up for my brother Bahram in the Bachata Invasion. I love those songs DJ Jimmy from Ottawa. I just didn’t know that Bachata could get to the karaoke level! That was a very intense bachata, it reminds me of ballroom dancing. Yo, my brother Jim I’m just joking you did a good job, you know I’m always cracking up. But all in all, I do it for the love and for the fun and for the readers. I will never call you guys my followers because every single person that is on my Facebook I think I have a personal relationship with.

Because I ask all the motherfuckers that don’t interact with me to get off of my Facebook. So if you feel that I talk too much, then people just please just click on that button right (delete) there so I can make some space and make room for other people because my life is nothing but butterflies and purple rain!

Thank you so much Mr. Doli from Baltimore for confirming your boy Dr. Kizomba. I will be in Baltimore this year!!! The party is on! Get ready, Mi Gente! Whooosh, these contracts are coming to me like purple rain! And I have to thank my brother Lee Rios aka Mr. Eyebrows from San Antonio for getting your boy to come there in May. Purple Rain!!! My Texas people you know your boy Dr. Kizomba is gonna be there. Come and we are gonna celebrate! And for everybody else, I’m going to leave you with this message: Today is Day Number 14 of soberness and no sodas and no cigarettes and no weed and I feel GOOD. Like Nina Simone.

#soberday #day14 #gindungo21togo

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