Day 12 | Gindungo: 23 to go

Good morning Mi Gente. I know, it’s about noon. I started my day with this amazing quote “That’s the problem with putting others first: you’ve taught them you come second”. Stop trying to please people, my people, and try to please yourself much more often. Our differences are the things that make each one of us unique, so that we can learn and experience from one another.

My dear friends that don’t have anything to say on Facebook, by trying to throw shade on my posts especially with all my positivity, just do one thing: shut the fuck up. With all due respect. You make yourself sound stupid, in front of over 10,000 people. We all know what you trying to do, just don’t do it here. Especially not on my posts. Oops, I almost forgot: sober day #12!

Kitaba social last night was off the chain. Fofo delivered like usual. It’s becoming breakfast for that boy, and we’re very proud of him. I had beautiful dances and as well had a lot of fun dances. I almost forgot the joy of making other people laugh on the dance floor without having to commit to a serious dance – and I applied that yesterday on the dancefloor. Freaking awesome.

Positive thinking. Man, I gotta thank San Francisco to contact me yesterday and invite me to the SBK Festival in November. Freaking awesome. 4 shows and 5 workshops. Finally the Kizomba Canada team will be able to meet San Francisco and perform at a higher level with amazing artists, so my kids can realize and see how much work they put to survive. This trip will get them out of the Montreal crowd and will introduce them to a crowd that don’t know them and they’ll still have to rock it. You know, I’m very extremely proud.

Goals. OMG I can’t believe it’s March 1. Gindungo on deck. I can’t wait to see all these amazing actors coming to Montreal, my city. We gonna do a party like has never been done before. So so freaking excited. Stay tuned, Mi Gente! Because from now on every day you will have news for Gindungo. Let’s start the countdown! Today: we have 23 Michael Jordan days to go!🌶🌶🌶

#soberdays | #day12 | #gindungo23togo

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