Chicago | Travel Blog | On My Mind

The first time I went to Chicago was with Andreas Meneses, my brother straight boy out of Toronto aka the 6, struggling to pay my rent, in between 2 jobs, willing and wanting to punch 🥊 my manager he was an ass. Then I got the chance to join a team called Mas Mambo by Mark Anthony. At the time we where practicing for a show in Hamburg Germany, was my opportunity to meet mr Albert Torres and Eddie Torres after that it’s all history. I’ll tell you in person the emotion is much better and vivid.

Current Situation. Landing in Chicago, can’t wait to see my family. We didn’t had a lot of time to hangout at Gindungo, now let’s make it happen. Well Flavie is knocked out and am listening to Drake. This Boy Jimmy is no joke. Going to old tunes of Drizzy, wow boy got some ammo  I’ll try to keep you post with some Chicago History that some of y’all would like to know. There is a great African Museum that I’ve been that would be a great place to start…

#chicago | #travelblog | #onmymind
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