The Dr. Kizomba Show42 Videos

Smelling Good | The Dr. Kizomba Show! – Ep. 3

Topics of the day: 1. Smelling good 2. Avoiding rejection 3. Adjusting with your partner Music: Bela Chicola – Ndoto

The Kizomba Boner | The Dr. Kizomba Show! – Ep. 4

The Dr. Kizomba Show! with Manuel Dos Santos Today’s topics: 1. Clicks & Elitism On The Kizomba Dance Floor. 2. Loosing Real Friends Over The Kizomba Dance Community. 3. The Kizomba Boner. Today’s music: MDO: “Sem Maneiras”

The Dr. Kizomba Show! – Ep. 5

The Dr. Kizomba Show! with Manuel Dos Santos Today’s topics: 1. Relationships on the dance floor 2. Defining what makes a good kizomba dancer Today’s music: Lil Saint: “Quimica”

Relationships On The Kizomba Dance Floor | The Dr. Kizomba Show – Ep. 6

The Dr. Kizomba Show with Manuel Dos Santos III Today’s Topic: Relationships On The Kizomba Dance Floor Today’s Music: Cef Tanzy: “É Só Cuiar” ft. Ary

Why Are There 2 Festivals In The Same City, On The Same Weekend | The Dr. Kizomba Show – Ep. 7

The Dr. Kizomba Show: Why Are There 2 Festivals In The Same City, On The Same Weekend? (Not naming Toronto 😉) Today’s music: Benny Luciano PG/Artista: “Ela Ta Me Gostar”

Taxi Dancers: Do We Really Need Them? – Ep. 9

The Dr. Kizomba Show Intro Music: Bela Chicola: “Ndoto”

Part 1 – Can Kizombeiros & Flamingos be sharing the same room? I mean music wise! Dr. Kizomba Show

Today’s music: IMpactus 4 | Yola Araujo + Family – Magui Streamed live from Espaces Des Arts studios in Montreal

What makes a kizombeiro popular with the ladies? | The Dr. Kizomba Show – Ep. 11

What makes a kizombeiro popular with the ladies? The Dr. Kizomba Show Visit for more videos.

How To Spot A Self-Taught Dancer | The Dr. Kizomba Show!

Every week, I go through hot topics surrounding the kizomba world. Don’t forget to follow me if you like what I do (and click the bell to be notified when I go live). Check all my videos at Wanna learn kizomba? — Already a boss at kizomba and want to get to the […]