The Dr. Kizomba Show42 Videos
Dr Kizomba Show Is Back!
With Manuel Dos Santos
Can Kizombeiros & Flamingos be sharing the same room? I mean music wise! Dr. Kizomba Show
Today’s music: Matias Damasio – Juro Por Tudo Streamed live from Espaces Des Arts studios in Montreal
That Moment When You Realize You Went Too Far With Your Tricks | The Dr. Kizomba Show
Streamed live from Espaces Des Arts studios in Montreal
How To Get Your “Kizomba Instructor” Diploma | The Dr. Kizomba Show
You already know what today is!!! It’s the Dr.Kizomba Show!!! We’ll be giving away passes and crazy discounts so make sure to tune in at 3pm!!! Dr. Kizomba Manuel Dos Santos III (Dr Kizomba III) #DrKizombaShow The Detroit Latín Dance Festival 2018 #DLDF2018
Are Female Kizomba Instructors Fairly Treated For Teaching And Performing?
The Dr. Kizomba Show with Manuel Dos Santos
Stop Tryin’ to be God | The Dr. Kizomba Show
With Manuel Dos Santos
Dr Kizomba Live Show | How far are you from your kizomba goals?
With Manuel Dos Santos