Bye Boston | Montreal | Living my Best Life

Man, I didn’t knew I miss my Brazilians so much till I saw them, was nice to see folks that I saw last week hahahahaha. I know the artists are traveling so much is lovely. Some of us saw each-other literally almost every weekend like my boy Johnny Deep, my Lambada Killer from New York, I believe him and his partner. Awww yeah. You know what else felt good? Having Flavie with me, teaching and performing, and being herself, that felt absolutely necessary.

Yes indeed. Not being able to perform at the ADC worked me out a little bit because of what Ingrid told me, she was like “ Manuel people love your shows, I love your shows, I was looking forward to see you rock that stage” yeah that was literally in my mind. This weekend I changed the current. I make show to just let go and remind most importantly to myself what I am building of next to my Mango Flavie aka Silence Killer. Yasssss the crowd had fun with us. If you have the chance, check on Facebook or just inbox me I’ll send you the link of the Freestyle Show, the way we like it…

No, am not going to be roasting these fellas today, one – its late as fuck, two – not matter how much you tell them, they will just not learn. Most of the artist I know lost their partner because of ego or lack of communication and they walk proudly like 50% of their talents is not split. I know, I know things happen but try to fix if you see you might lose your partner. See it’s an advice not roasting fellas…

Hope you enjoy the pictures by my boy Carvin from Boston.

#byeboston | #montreal | #livingmybestlife

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