Back in Lisbon | Happy Birthday Mama | The General

Good day Good morning Good afternoon. For some of you, it’s still morning and I don’t blame you because I am on the other side of the ocean. Today I went shopping for the Queen’s birthday aka Mama Edith and thank you so much for your kindly birthday wishes from all my readers that are finishing with the 3 dots (…) and the happy birthday wishes for my mum. The chain that you see right here in the picture is one of the gifts that I bought for my mom to symbolize the unconditional love that I have for her and to thank her for being Mom and Dad in general and best friend and most important for what she taught me in life. Which means never give up, there’s always a way. No is not an option. Everybody try to get a yes. So the 2 hearts: son’s love for mommy. And when she wears that chain, because I want her to wear that chain every day, I had to do that, I wanted her to have something to wear all the day. I was thinking of getting her a small Casio gold watch like mine, but she’s 69, so she cannot really be rocking gold Casio watches. That’s too much, come on Manual, you know that’s too much. Well… maybe I will go back and get her that gold watch because knowing my mum, she’s a stunner, so maybe I will get her that watch. But anyway… I got her also some nice sandals and I got her a nice sun dress, like a beautiful sunny dress but long enough until her toes. I’m gonna make her look good at church. Yeah.

This one was a short and sweet post for Mama. Happy birthday to my mommy aka The General.

On another note, for my Instagram people, I just found out that I can only follow 7.5k people, and a lot of people have added me and I cannot follow them back. This is pissing me off because I wanna follow everyone that follows me. I don’t like that Instagram, I don’t like that. Hey Zuckerburg, wassup, you bought Facebook, you bought Instragram, you bought Whatsapp, but yesterday we couldn’t share pictures on the 3 of them, get your shit together. Don’t be a greedy business man and forget to provide to services to the businesses you bought. Bad child.

But it’s my Mama’s day so let’s be having a happy Mama’s day.

#backinlisbon | #happybirthdayMama | #theGeneral
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