Back in Lisbon | Family | Uncle Time

Helloooooooooo Mi Gente, I know you wanted to hear about how beautiful Lisbon is and of course how my mum is doing. Mi Gente, they didn’t grant the visa for my mom yet. Yes I been here already about a week, and I have a week to go. She received the gifts but because of the visa situation my sister had to postpone her ticket. Yes, it’s been over 14 years that I don’t see my mom, and I came here to celebrate her birthday and she didn’t get the visa. Yet. Keep your fingers crossed and please pray for me so I didn’t take this trip in vain. Because I am a little sad. Of course this is an important matter to me.

Now on the other side, I was able to reconnect with my nephews and nieces and my cousins and of course and my brother Mauro and of course Petchu and of course Tomas Queitas and the one you already saw it live on my Manuel Dos Santos page not on my Dr Kizomba page Baby Adler. My beautiful nephews and nieces they just knew their uncle existed but never saw him, and finally I had time to meet them and hang out with my family and stay at the house like a little baby and enjoy my life with them. I will be part of these kids lives from now on because I don’t wanna stay too far from my family no more. One of my kids needs the Fifa 2019 and therefore I’m going to get the video game from the boy and I’m gonna spend the day playing with him. Like I don’t play the Fifa in my own playstation!

Today I’m gonna do another post about last night and the night before and tell you amazing wonders. I’m just gonna give you a hint. I saw Titika and Titika asked me to dance. I saw Bebucho Q Quia and Bebucho Q Quia already pulled me up on stage. Let me shut up and not spoil my next post.

Please keep your prayers so my mum can get her visa and I can see my mum. I cannot stay from America too long because I have work in Canada as we speak.

#backinlisbon | #family | #uncletime
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