Back in Lisbon | Brotherhood | Track1

Good day good day ami Gente, it’s your boy unapologetic motherfucker #drkizomba in the building. Actually not in the building but in Lisbon. I’m here enjoying the weather… Wait a minute, it’s too fucking hot, I’m not used to this shit no more. A nigga take a shower in the morning and you already sweating when you leave the shower. You sweat with water on your body because it’s so hot. You lay in bed and you already sweating. All night long, you wake up in a pool. If you put the fan on, you gotta be careful because bronchitis and tuberculosis is a thing you cannot play. Playing with the heat and the cold is not a natural thing. Therefore your doctor know how to play. But there’s more. Despite all the heat, best city in the world, after Luanda of course and then Montreal.

Mama news. Mama already got the visa but by the time she gonna be here my stay in Lisbon will be already expired. I gotta go back to work. But there is still hope that I’m gonna be able to see her during her stay in Lisbon, I’m working my magic to free up some space in my calendar so I can come and visit her and stay with her. Of course I’m keeping my head up because I am a little sad that I’m not gonna see her this time. But I’m talking to her everyday and our relationship is stronger than ever.

Spending quality time with my crazy brother aka Jalane music, laughing, enjoying life, partying and family time of course. I’m gonna give you a selection of pictures of enjoyment, hanging out with my brother, going out to River party, going to Mukueto, going to Bairro Latine, spending time at Mwangole… party party party, those are the best nights in Lisbon and I’m all over the place. And of course I gotta thank my girl Christina Lyra got Greece and Norway to help out her Dr. Kizomba in my last video. By now you guys saw the video, that’s a banger of a video on Facebook and IG. That’s one of my favourite songs from my childhood. The male singer is Angolan and the female singer is Cap Verdean and they sang about Cabo Verde. The name song is Track 1. Why? Because my brother send me that song on whatsapp and didn’t give me no title. We played that song at the house all the time when we were young and he know I love that song. So name of the song is Track 1 motherfuckers. Since the DJs are so good on their selection, I never heard the song played ever in US, Canada and Europe. Inbox me and I’ll send you Track 1. Or even better, I’ll post it on YouTube so you can follow the Dr Kizomba playlist.

Shout out for this amazing city Lisbon. Every time I come I leave with a better version of myself. If Lisbon is like that, imagine Luanda.

#backinLisbon | #brotherhood | #Track1

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