Back in Lisbon | Almost Missed my Flight | Part 2

Now the travel blog continues.  I’m already in Lisbon ok, but I am gonna rewind a little bit so that you can catch up the story before I left Montreal. Remember the Uber driver from Tchad, right? Yeah motherfuckers. Now you on.

Now when I got under 1 hour at the desk, I went to the black girl. Because me and black girls have a thing going on, like me and Mrs Jones, we have a thing going on. Marvin Gaye. Yeah. I’m like “sister please check me and and check my bag. Something happened with my Uber driver. He got a ticket, and that’s why I am late.” Straight lying, with a worried face. She was more worried than me! She was like “omg the luggage is closed”. I told her,” just put me in front supervisors, those girls that can work their magic”. And she did. She made me pass everybody, all the way to the front of the line, like black magic. I was feeling invisible, thinking that these people would not see me. I don’t give a fuck if they saw me, I needed to be in Portugal, ok? And then I activated my sad eyes. The woman straight up told me, “I’ll make this sacrifice for you just this one time, give me your bag”. So I rang my bag and checked in, 45 mins before my flight. Hehehehe. Very professional.

I get to my plane, and it was me, one Mexican guy and one Russian guy. The Russian guy had a bottle of vodka, smuggling, and me I had a bottle of rum of course, smuggling. We partied like crazy. The whole 6 hours, we were drinking and turning up and making noise, so much noise, no one could sleep. We were speaking Mexican and Spanish and Russian.

Touched down in Lisbon, the immigration agent couldn’t stop staring at my red hair. And they thought I was Jamaican. I’m like bitch, I’m Angolan. And they were shocked when I was speaking Portuguese. I’m like fuck, even my people are shocked when I speak Portguese.

But now Im going to leave you with the images of the sun rise, the bacalhau, the Airbnb, and I am down town in the middle of Lisbon, sipping on my wine and appreciating the sun tan.

More stories are gonna come! Stay tuned. This is your favorite #travelblogger.

#backinlisbon | #stuckinlisbon | #firststory

Back to Lisbon recap:

Stuck in Lisbon recap:


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