All Queens Matter

Afternoon Montreal and the world. Today is another Wednesday, with many more to come. Focusing on today: get your feet ready because we actually starting a little earlier with the back to school program. 6:30pm beginners, 7:30pm intermediate so that at 8:30pm sharp we start the advanced class and as well the live streaming of the free class with Dr Kizomba. You already know, all that is followed by the Kitaba social from 9:30pm until midnight. We know that you are tired of staring at your computer at work. Its mid-week, what a perfect time to take a break just until midnight and go back home and wake up tomorrow morning like you didn’t do anything, still functional for the next day at work. That’s what DJ Do Marçal is going to do to you tonight.
Roasting time. Man, I just woke up and checked a lot of notifications from a post I recently did about Black Queens (aka about my Mom. She’s black!). There’s a dude going off and trying to play the card of #allqueensmatter and shit and trying to argue with me and stuff. I actually didn’t have to answer him, thank god I have my girls around the world that answered this dude for me while I was asleep. Yeah, man. On another note, yo why people feel comfortable going and jumping on other people’s stuff and starting a fight? My personal opinion, I don’t really care, I’m a fighter. But don’t they check the background of the people they wanna roast before they get barbecued? This is a message for anyone out there that wanna try come and roast or make me look stupid on my post. I’ll literally eat you alive. Period.
To end this on a good note, because you know we always gotta leave a post on a positive note, my feet are hurting from semba class yesterday and from the Kizomba Canada team practice. Now. Hurry up as you reading this message, purchase your Gindungo tickets because today is literally the last day that you can get a full pass for $140. Because you know me, I’m a party guy. If I am a party guy, my festival is a party of massive destruction. Get your full passes, get your outfits, get your party passes. Gindungo on deck.

#freedom #livestreamingtonight #roastingtime

Originally posted on Facebook on January 31, 2018.

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