Boston | Rivere Beach | Dear Jorge
Boston thank you so much for hosting us. Let me start by thanking my sister Inna for putting the weekender together and let me thank everybody that came out and supported your boy at the parties and the workshops. That was some surreal shit. Unapologetic motherfucker #drkizomba appreciate that a lot. Right now my voice is done. We got here at 6am and some people from the gang already had to go to work. Life goes on. Kuduro tonight and don’t forget ginga too and all that jazz.
Let me thank dear Jorge aka my Mozambique brother aka every time I come to Boston this guy always takes care of me and my team, always, regardless. You know me, I’m a beach boy, really a beach boy. Whenever there is a beach I will be there. I didn’t fucking know that Boston had a beach, I’m sorry. Apparently that motherfucker has, one of the beaches is called, one of the beach, that motherfucker has a lot of fucking beaches, one of the beaches is called Rivere Beach. Very nicely located. A lot of amazing people. I had fucking fun, man. And if you know Manuel Dos Santos, don’t challenge me to a swimming competition. And dear Jorge made the same mistake, he challenged me to a swimming competition. I dunno if he was too happy or if he think he can take Dr. Kizomba aka swimming champion… he learned his lesson real quick. The way I did him, he thought he was swimming against a boat because he only saw me in the beginning and then pffffft. Let me post the videos so that I can show you what happened.
Stay tuned for my next posts. Yes, we also gonna post pictures from the workshop and the video of our nice performance in Boston and all that jazz. But first, the swimming challenge! Please check my blog on my website if you wanna catch some stories that happened because I have some good news coming soon.
#Boston | #RivereBeach | #dearJorge
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