Short and Sweet

Good morning Mi Gente!

First gig of the year, Houston Salsa Congress, Kizomba Canada is being well represented by our Highness 👑Flavie Merise. Montreal is being represented too, shiiiiiiiiiiit. Donald Trump stop talk about Haiti and give some electricity to Puerto Rico. I’m not gonna say anything because everybody is already roasting you so go fuck yourself.😤

Montreal, great job on the Kizomba scene. We have a social every day of the week. Let’s just keep it up! 👊

Dr Kizomba team is putting in some wooooooooooooork! That Wednesday live video was off the chain, thank you so much for my people that support us on YouTube and Facebook. We made it happen. Let’s continue with that good work. See you next week at the free kizomba class with your boy! Kudos!

#freedom | #drklive | #shortandsweet

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