Musical Troll

Woke up this morning from a nightmare. One of my students posted a video of myself and Flavie in one of the local Facebook groups in Montreal. A beautiful video, one of our best videos. That video has about 30k views on our social media pages, combined. It’s a beautiful video, we really appreciate that video, even myself when I look at it, I surprise myself, like damn I am not that bad.

I really don’t like to post my shit in local groups but my students told me that would be a good idea, so I was like oh what the hell just post it. Here comes this motherfucker, posting a comment under my video saying that my musicality is not on point. 😳 After everybody had left a lot of great comments, this motherfucker posted a comment like that!! I wasn’t aware because I don’t go to these groups. Another one of my students contacted me saying, hey there is a nigga talking shit 💩about you. People know that when you talk about Dr Kizomba you need to be ready. Bc this glimpse melanin nigga don’t take shit from nobody. Especially when it comes to commenting aka trolling. 👹I went to do a background check on the person doing the comment. Find out that this nigga have friends with local other schools in my city, assholes, cowards, cannot say shit themselves, send other ppl like they always been doing with Manuel and Flavie since we won Africadançar. Yes, we won Africadançar, and then the same motherfuckers wanted to strip our title away. If it wasn’t for our writing skills, we wouldn’t have made it to the international competition where we slew everybody. This is just history. Don’t worry, I got the videos 🎥 and pictures to back it up. Now I am sure he got what he deserved because not only Dr. Kizomba roasted this nigga but my entire gang fuck him up. I got another feisty mouth talking like Dr Kizomba on my team. Meet Ronyca aka check yourself before you talk to her. She got some bullets!🔫

Now on a good note Mi Gente, tomorrow we got the Kizomba Canada free open house from 2-5pm. We expect you to come, the classes are for free💸. Remember Back to School starting Monday = #kuduro, Tuesday = #semba, Wednesday = #kizomba, make sure you register to your programs and Wa–alaykum salam.

#freedom | #respectyourdoctor | #roastingtrolls

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